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£15k Family EV Challenge. Hyundai Ioniq v Nissan Leaf v Renault Zoe. Pt1 – taxi duties range test!

Video by RSymons RSEV via YouTube
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£15k Family EV Challenge. Hyundai Ioniq v Nissan Leaf v Renault Zoe. Pt1 - taxi duties range test!

#ev #vs #challenge

Hyundai Ioniq v Nissan Leaf 30kwh Tekna v Renault Zoe ZE40

This will be the first episode in a new series to answer the question: What does £15,000 get you as a family electric vehicle?

Many of our videos are in expensive Teslas and such like which make living with an EV very easy. They have good equipment, great efficiency and fantastic range. But what about the cheaper end of the market? What’s a £15k EV like? Is it up to family life? Is it only any good as a second car? What’s the real world range of these cars?

Well here we undertake a series of challenges Top Gear / The Grand Tour style, on a budget! 😂

FYI we didnt’t include costings at the time because rates vary so much and changing.
For 95 miles covered the Ionic used the least electricity at about 18kwh. That for me cost £3 In total but multiply 18 by your pence per kwh and there you have your recharging costs..
The leaf and Zoe used about 28kwh

We hope you enjoy. And by the way, dont take a any criticisms to heart, its all in the name of entertainment…

Thanks for watching!

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