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2023 Used Electric Car market stats – how is EV demand? Plus whole year solar savings revealed.

2023 Used Electric Car market stats - how is EV demand? Plus whole year solar savings revealed.

Video by RSymons RSEV via YouTube
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Firstly a big thank you to our staff, customers and all our YouTube followers and subscribers. We do our best and it’s always humbling to receive such a loyal following with so many kind words to say.

So in this video I share a summary of 2023 statistics for the Used Electric Car market compared to petrol and diesel market trends.
Are Electric Cars still in demand?

It’s now also a full year of our solar system so I share the detail on that. How much did we save?

We look forward to 2024 and hopefully meeting more of our followers.

Best wishes

Thanks for watching

Richard Symons
R Symons LTD "RSEV"
EV Specialist based in New Milton, Hampshire on the South Coast near Southampton and Bournemouth
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