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20230414 Ford PowerUp v4.2.2.2 on F-150 Lightning

20230414 Ford PowerUp v4.2.2.2 on F-150 Lightning

Video by Lightning Ryan Fulcher via YouTube
20230414 Ford PowerUp v4.2.2.2 on F-150 Lightning

20230414 Ford PowerUp v4.2.2.2 on F-150 Lightning

As Mentioned in comments of "Ford Updated MY UI OTA and It’s AWESOME!" -James Klafehn
: Ya!! I got that about a month or so ago! I think… The big change for me was the camera button is always on the top menu. I think that i lost all my saved trailer settings though, not a huge deal, did you notice that?
: You didn’t know what version this was… I happened to catch it executing the update a few minutes after getting home and I think parking, but I was sitting in the truck for a minute doing something and noticed the screen reboot, so pulled out my phone to record it… I’ll try to post it and link later.
:: Anyway, for me it was Ford Power-Up v4.2.2.2 that installed 2023.04.14 April 14th.

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