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3D-Printed Electric Motor Mock-Up

Video by BenjaminNelson via YouTube
3D-Printed Electric Motor Mock-Up

I 3D printed a 100% scale stand-in for an electric motor. This lets me test fit a project with something lighter-weight, less expensive, and more easily replaceable than the actual electric motor.
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I printed this on my Ender 3 S-1:

The model is a slightly modified version of the Motenergy ME1114

The 3D model I started with was from GrabCad, and I just changed dimension of the centering ring to make it match the motor I’m using.

This is rapid prototyping for a project I have been chipping away at for a while – converting a 1950’s International 300 Utility tractor to electric.
I feel that a brushless DC motor is the best choice for the project, as it offers low-maintenance, and excellent speed control, including regenerative braking. I also have a friend with a number of them, so I could get one at a great price.

The Hydraulics will run off a separate motor. Here’s a video about that:

I’m still trying to figure out the best way to run the PTO. Powering it as the engine originally did requires keeping the flywheel and causes some other issues. There’s the possibility of running the PTO off a separate motor as well.

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