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5Kw 72v pmsm motor and controller kit | car conversion kit | 5kw pmsm motor and controller |

Video by Motomanic via YouTube
5Kw 72v pmsm motor and controller kit | car conversion kit | 5kw pmsm motor and controller |

42", 48" , 56" Differential Axles with 2 speed and 1 speed options with hydraulic braking system for car hybrid conversion and cargo vehicles.

Good Quality, genuine and Tested products are available with Motomanic
Product Applications
– 4 wheeler / Cars up to load capacity GVW 1500-1800Kg
Commercial 4wheeler / 3 wheeler up to loading cap 1000Kg
Car Conversion suitable for Hatch back category
Racing Kart competition projects
-Golf Kart / Racing Kart / Go Kart
DIY Projects
We in design & development, drive train solution and deals in all BLDC and PMSM Motor from 1000watt up to 15Kw of higher power for EV applications.
Please visit us / write us / contact us
WhatsApp/ mobile – 9229110501/ 7648940132

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