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Acoustic foam filled tyres and EVs (especially special fitment Tesla T0, T1 & T2 tyres).

Video by Go Green Autos via YouTube
Acoustic foam filled tyres and EVs (especially special fitment Tesla T0, T1 & T2 tyres).

In this (unscripted) video I try to answer the common questions when it comes to acoustic foam filled tyres, such as what are they, can they be repaired and do I need to fit them? Many EV drivers and in particular, Tesla drivers, are being told they must fit special fitment tyres, such as T0, T1 etc to their EV, which is not the case. There is a lot of naivety when it comes to tyres for electric vehicles and just because the vehicle came from the factory with a special fitment tyre, doesn’t mean it must always have a special fitment tyre. As long as the size, speed and weight ratings are correct, you can fit any tyre that suits your needs, climate or environment. EVs are now different to any other vehicle when it comes to tyres. Some EVs can be heavier, some can be very powerful, but they’re no different to any other vehicle and you just need to make sure the tyre is the correct load index rating for your vehicle.
There are some advantages to buying a special fitment tyre, such as Tesla approved T0, T1 & T2 tyres, as the tyre manufacturers put a lot of effort into tweaking their tyres for that vehicle manufacturer. But that doesn’t mean it’s the best for you. These tyres tend to only be summer high performance tyres. There are other summer tyres which could be quieter or better fuel efficiency. There’s also all-season tyres or winter tyres which could be better for your location, climate or season.

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