Tesla Y for sale in Dallas, TX.
Tesla Motors Club
Hello, I am selling a 2021 Tesla Y in Dallas, TX. It has less than 12k miles and is in perfect conditions! The asking price is $71,999 or best offer. Let me know if you are interested or if you have any questions. …
Who’s WINNING? EV Stocks Lucid, NIO, Rivian HIT HARD By Supply Chain Worries
E-Motion Due to the existing global pandemic the #EV stock market has been hit pretty hard, especially in 2022. In April 2022 it was …
Vale Confirms Supply Deal with Tesla for Low-Carbon Nickel
Electric Vehicles Research Vale has signed a long-term contract with Tesla Inc to supply Class 1 nickel in the United States from its operations in Canada. This agreement is in line with Vale’s strategy to increase exposure to the electric vehicle industry.
Driving the Hyundai IONIQ 5, MG 5 EV & VW ID.4 – Fun Everyday EVs!
At The Wheel I got the chance to drive the Hyundai IONIQ 5, VW ID.4 and MG 5 EV around the Millbrook proving grounds and had an amazing …
Tesla & EV News, Tesla Direct Material Sourcing, Tesla Increases Recycling, VW Aims to Outsell Tesla
Electrek Daily Watch a recap of the top stories of the day from Electrek. Quick Charge is available now on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, TuneIn and …
Vale Confirms Supply Deal with Tesla for Low-Carbon Nickel
Electric vehicles Vale has signed a long-term contract with Tesla Inc to supply Class 1 nickel in the United States from its operations in Canada. This agreement is in line with Vale’s strategy to increase exposure to the electric vehicle industry.
2023 VOLKSWAGEN ID 4 & ID 5: The Best Selling EV Of The Future?
Tech Electric Ventures Shocking Volkswagen’s Misdeeds that Fueled Its Progress. In the aftermath of a diesel scandal five years ago, executives made a …
UNCOVERING The GAME CHANGING Aluminum Air Battery That Is Set To DISRUPT The ENTIRE EV Industry
Tech Revolution UNCOVERING The GAME CHANGING Aluminum Air Battery That Is Set To DISRUPT The ENTIRE EV Industry #elonmusk #ev …
VW sold out of electric cars in key markets this year
Speak EV – Electric Car Forums

“We are not sold out because we can’t build cars … we are really sold out for electric cars because demand is higher than expected,” CEO Herbert Diess told the Financial Times at its automotive conference Monday. Worth a read and watch …. Volkswagen Group, the leading…
2012 Runs great until ICE turns on or braking downhill
GM Volt Forum I have a 2012 Volt that made it 207k miles before two cells in the battery quit. I replaced it with a salvage one, had GM successfully reprogram the BECM but DTC’s from the HPCM2 couldn’t clear but it drove fine. About 5 miles down the road it shut down and wouldn’t restart. My next step was to use Techline Connect to reprogram the HPCM2 and th…
Hybrid sports car throttle
DIY Electric Car Forums Not your usual EV question + some ignorance on my part. I’m currently (no pun intended) wiring a 96V / AC50 / Curtis1238e in a home-built hybrid sports car with ICE rear drive, and EV front drive for added torque under acceleration. My goal is to have the two throttles physically linked (cable on ICE to PB8 on EV) and configured to have the EV pow…
Europe Is Meeting Elon Musk To Discuss New Rules and EV Batteries
Torque News Everyone now wants to meet Elon Musk. They are just realizing that perhaps he’s the only one right now getting things done at an …
💰 TESLA DEAL 💥 ELON MUSK Secures Critical EV Battery Minerals – NICKEL 🔥 GET IN B4 ITS LATE 🚀💰
Corns Investing ELON MUSK Secures Critical EV Battery Minerals – Best NICKEL stocks to buy now I share with you three of the best penny stocks …
Mirrors unfold “randomly” in my garage
Model S I have my mirrors set to auto-fold based on location (and, I believe also via HomeLink). If I leave my car unlocked in the garage, sometimes when I go out there (without the key), I see that the mirrors have unfolded themselves. Not sure if there is any rhyme or reason to why/when this happens. The only thing that seems to keep it from happenin…
Elon Musk: Tesla might stop taking orders on some vehicles because of long delivery times
Tesla | Electrek

Elon Musk said that Tesla may stop taking orders on some models of its popular electric vehicles because of the long delivery timelines. more… The post Elon Musk: Tesla might stop taking orders on some vehicles because of long delivery times appeared first on Electrek. …
Spotify loading endlessly
Model 3 I frequently have to reset my 2021 Model 3 because Spotify will just refuse to play. Good LTE signal, and the playlists load. But when I actually tap a song, it will load indefinitely forever. So I have to reset. This happens every day or two. Any ideas? I’ve seen a lot of chatter on the forums about playlists not fully loading or sign-in issues, …
New Center for Green Schools Report Shows Need to Support Schools on Air QualityGreen Living Consultants, Companies, Electric Car Expert, Green Living, Electric Car News, New York, California, Florida, Missouri, Texas, Nevada May 5, 2022 (Washington, DC) – The Center for Green Schools at the U.S. Green Building Council has released a new report detailing how school districts around the country have continued to manage air quality within their schools during the second year of the COVID-19 pandemic. The report, Managing Air Quality in the Pandemic: How […] The post New…
Autocar Awards 2022: Fiat 500 wins best small car – Autocar
“fiat 500” – Google News Autocar Awards 2022: Fiat 500 wins best small car Autocar…
California Zero-Emission Vehicle (ZEV) Sales Exceed 16 Percent of All New Vehicles – Over 250,000 Californians Have Now Received a Financial Clean Fuel Reward – Sierra Sun Times
“zero emission vehicle” – Google News California Zero-Emission Vehicle (ZEV) Sales Exceed 16 Percent of All New Vehicles – Over 250,000 Californians Have Now Received a Financial Clean Fuel Reward Sierra Sun Times…
This Is How The 2023 BMW i7 Will Take On The Mercedes-Benz EQS – HotCars“mercedes electric car” – Google News This Is How The 2023 BMW i7 Will Take On The Mercedes-Benz EQS HotCars…
Israel to Approve Driverless Parking, Unlocking Tesla’s Smart Summon
TeslaNorth.com Tesla’s auto-park feature is set to gain approval in another region, as autonomous vehicles begin to make their way into government discussions around the world. … Read more The post Israel to Approve Driverless Parking, Unlocking Tesla’s Smart Summon appeared first on TeslaNorth.com. …
NEW Replacement Battery Cells.Electric Vehicle Forums 3 hours A poster on a Ford Escape forum purchased these Ni-MH battery sticks from Max Power in China. These are new, not refurbished, and are of higher capacity than the originals. The person who installed them seems to be quite happy with them after the install and then again after a 2 month/5,000 mile update. At the time of his purchase the cells were …
Tesla recalls nearly 130K vehicles due to overheating infotainment system – CNN
“tesla” – Google News … Brand new EasyWallbox Fiat 500 branded for saleFiat 500 Forum Hi all, I made the mistake of ordering an EasyWallbox at the time of ordering the car, not realising that once that item has been associated with the order and the car has started assembly Fiat won’t allow you to cancel. I tried to make a fuss but to no avail. This box is completely fit for purpose but it only works with the Fiat (I had that confi…
BMW Neue Klasse Electric Car Platform Coming — In 2025 – CleanTechnica
“bmw electric car” – Google News …
Cathie Wood shocks the market after dumping $12.7 million of Tesla stock to snap up some in General Motors – Fortune
“tesla motors” – Google News …
Waymo: “Calling all Downtown Phoenix residents! Our Waymo One Trusted Tester program is expanding. 🎉 Help us shape the future of autonomous ride-hailing in your community by downloading the Waymo One app and expressing interest to ride with us there.”
Self-Driving Cars – Look reddit, no hands!

submitted by /u/REIGuy3 [link] [comments] …
Lordstown deadline, hacking EV chargers, BMW won’t give up gasoline: Today’s Car News
Green Car Reports

BMW believes in electric versions of its gasoline sedans. EV chargers are a security concern. And is this a new start or the beginning of the end for Ohio’s Lordstown Motors? This and more, here at Green Car Reports. Will Lordstown survive? This is the week we’ll likely get a better idea of its viability, as a potential deal with……
Toyota bZ4X Review — Some Good, Some Bad – CleanTechnica
“toyota electric car” – Google News Toyota bZ4X Review — Some Good, Some Bad CleanTechnica…
EBU-SM New Energy Vehicle Assembly Workshop
EBU Electric car EBU are professional ecar supplier and group factory in china willing to get fans with latest information on evechile field getting u …
C3STROM Astro PRO Best Moped Style E-bike I have tried so far! Full Review – $1.9k
Electric Vehicles Space

This is the best moped style electric bike you can buy today. It has everything you need to ride in the style in the coolest city in the WORLD. Asto group did a marvelous job with this ebike. Sign up at the Indiegogo Pre-launch Page to get an $800 discount: https://bit.ly/c3strom-indiegogo-coming_soon Subscribe to C3STROM’s Youtube channel: htt…
The Tesla Model 3 – Why You Need To Own One – Torque News
“tesla model 3” – Google News The Tesla Model 3 – Why You Need To Own One Torque News…
from e-cars.hu by e-cars.huTue May 10 2022 09:54:12 (5 hours) # 25.
A Budapest Airport 176 elektromosautó-töltőállomást telepít a repülőtér területén a következő 3 évben a földi kiszolgálók, egyéb repülőtéri járművek, valamint az itt dolgozó partnervállalatok kiszolgáló járművei számára, európai uniós támogatás felhasználásával és saját forrásból.
Közölte a Liszt Ferenc nemzetközi repülőteret üzemeltető társaság kedden az MTI-vel.
A tájékoztatás szerint a 176-ból 134 töltőállomás finanszírozását európai uniós támogatás felhasználásával biztosítja a Budapest Airport, a maradék 42 töltő telepítését pedig saját forrásból végzi. Ismertetik, hogy a Budapest Airport elektromos töltőinfrastruktúrájának fejlesztése 2021 decemberében felkerült a kormány Európai Hálózatfinanszírozási Eszközből megvalósítandó projektjeinek listájára. Ennek keretében összesen 1,3 milliárd forintból – 3,2 millió euróból – további töltőket létesíthet a földi kiszolgálók, a repülőtéri kiszolgáló járművek és a partnerek repülőtéri járművei számára.
A projekt futamideje 36 hónap, az európai uniós támogatás mértéke 50 százalék, megközelítően 650 millió forint. A közleményben hangsúlyozzák, a Budapest Airport maximálisan elkötelezett a fenntarthatóság, azon belül is a kibocsátások csökkentése mellett. A repülőtér folyamatosan fejleszti az elektromos járművek töltő infrastruktúráját, partnervállalatait is az e-mobilitásra ösztönzi.
A közleményben kitérnek arra, hogy a közelmúltban 76 földi kiszolgáló jármű, illetve 10 flotta- és menedzserautó cseréje valósult meg hagyományos meghajtásúról elektromos meghajtású vagy hibrid modellre, amellyel összesen évi 140 000 liter üzemanyag és 350 tonna szén-dioxid takarítható meg.
A Budapest Airport eddig 31 elektromosautó-töltőpontot telepített, amelyből 12 a légi oldalon, míg 19 darab a repülőtér földi, vagyis bárki által szabadon megközelíthető oldalán található. A társaság a repülőtéri fuvarozással, személyszállítással foglalkozó partnerek részére további 30 elektromos töltőpont kiépítésében segédkezett a repülőtér területén.
A Főtaxi, a Budapest Airport szerződött partnere szintén kiemelten kezeli az e-mobilitás előmozdítását, és flottájának 30 százalékát már elektromos járművekre cserélte. A Főtaxi repülőtéri pufferparkolójában már hat ultragyors elektromos töltőpont működik, amelyek száma 2025 végéig várhatóan 26 töltőponttal bővül – jelezték a közleményben. Emellett a repülőtér-üzemeltető tavaly további 35 töltő telepítésére és az ezeket összefogó informatikai rendszer implementálására szerződött, amelynek a bevezetése folyamatban van – közölte a Budapest Airport.
A teljes anyag 176 elektromosautó-töltőállomást telepít a Budapest Airport címen a e-cars.hu oldalon olvasható.Send To > Keep unreadDelete

6 Tips for Buying the Best Used Electric Cars Under $20K – Yakima Herald-Republic“chevy electric car” – Google News 6 hours 6 Tips for Buying the Best Used Electric Cars Under $20K Yakima Herald-Republic… Un propriétaire ayant accusé Tesla de défaillance admet avoir mentiTesla Magazine 7 hours Tesla a fait face à un certain nombre d’allégations de défaillance des freins au cours des deux dernières années en Chine, bien qu’aucune preuve n’ait été apportée. L’un des cas les plus connus est celui d’un propriétaire de voiture à Wenzhou, dans la province du Zhejiang. Cependant, plus d’un an après l’accident, le propriétaire s’est […] The po… New Range Rover Sport debuts with new minimalist look, gets new PHEV powertrainElectric Cars Report 7 hours

The New Range Rover Sport has made its global premiere with a dramatic world-first climb up a flooded dam spillway in Iceland. The epic ascent saw New Range Rover Sport resist the surging torrent of water flowing down the ramp of the Karahnjukar Dam – the biggest of its kind in the world – at […] The post New Range Rover Sport debuts w… Steele Honda Includes Used Hybrid and Electric Vehicles in Its Inventory – Benzinga – Benzinga“honda electric car” – Google News 7 hours Steele Honda Includes Used Hybrid and Electric Vehicles in Its Inventory – Benzinga Benzinga… Porsche Taycan Review: An Electric Sports Car For The Family – carandbike“porsche electric car” – Google News 8 hours Porsche Taycan Review: An Electric Sports Car For The Family carandbike…