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Which would you rather? Tesla Model 3 Long Range v S 100d

Which would you rather? Tesla Model 3 Long Range v S 100d

Video by RSymons RSEV via YouTube
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Which would you rather? Tesla Model 3 Long Range v S 100d

Pro’s and con’s to each… the model 3 is fantastically efficient, range is excellent and it charges fast but whilst the Model S is older and with more miles for similar money, it offers a more refined drive and hatchback practicality.

In this video I simply use the opportunity whilst driving both on a trip to highlight some of the benefits and differences of each. You can make your own mind which would suit you.

For me, I prefer the Model S to drive and the balance of sportiness, refinement and practicality all appeal to me.

Let me know what you prefer and why.

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