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20250102 CyberPlasma RoadTrip x64 FSDv13.2.2

Video by Lightning Ryan Fulcher via YouTube

Return trip West (20250102):
For the return trip had 26 SuperCharging stops. Trip consumed 1537kWh with an average of 30 minutes per charge stop. Total elapsed time spent charging was 13.26 hours, but again the majority of that was spent doing normal pit stop stuff rather than waiting on charging. Entire road trip elapsed time was about 45hours. Total cast was $575.97 for an average of $0.37/kWh with total of 2035 miles for a $0.28/mile cost.

Was on FSD v13.2.2 during this trip, Hard to tell if it was doing better with cross winds. Earlier in town in the snow at low speeds FSD panicked during a fish tail when taking a corner. So I did not trust it if the road surface seemed excessively slippery with snow or ice. I did test if it would engage with no visible lane markings, and it would, and it seemed to do a good job of imagining where the lanes should be, but I did not let it drive for any length of time. I also used some aluminum duct tape to "delete" the light bar to prevent it from causing the warp field effect when there was snow, this solution worked pretty well and was easy to apply and remove, but ultimately it would be better if the headlights simply had an option to turn off the light bar. I expect we will eventually get that in a software update.

Return trip West: Video Caption: Trip Summary:
26 SuperCharging stops, 1537kWh
Avg 30 min/charge stop, 13/45 hours
Total cost $576, avg $0.37/kWh
Total 2035 miles at $0.28/mile

Initial trip East (20241220):
* 43min 20241220 CyberPlasma RoadTrip x64 FSDv13.2.1
* 21min 20241220 CyberPlasma RoadTrip x128 FSDv13.2.1
* 10min 20241220 CyberPlasma RoadTrip x256 FSDv13.2.1
* 5min 20241220 CyberPlasma RoadTrip x512 FSDv13.2.1
Return trip West (20250102):
* 44min 20250102 CyberPlasma RoadTrip x64 FSDv13.2.2
* 22min 20250102 CyberPlasma RoadTrip x128 FSDv13.2.2
* 11min 20250102 CyberPlasma RoadTrip x256 FSDv13.2.2
* 5min 20250102 CyberPlasma RoadTrip x512 FSDv13.2.2

Raw – Charges – Trip back: Tag:202501_RoadTrip_Gene: 2,034.82 mi : 1,491.65 kWh : ElecCost $501.49 : (IF)FuelCost $277.48 : 1d 8h : 51 drives : 733 Wh/mi :
* 24+8 hours driving and 13.26 hours charging = 45.26 hours # 27-1 (26) Individual SuperCharging Sessions and their data:
* Cost: 29.29+ 22.02+24.90+27.69+26.39+25.94+0+20.58+13.98+13.77+15.51+ 26.55+24.90+16.73+22.09+38.17+38.18+15.90+21.58+28.78+17.62+ 24.43+16.86+21.63+16.49+18.99+7.00 = $575.97
* Time: 43+ 24+42+48+40+38+1+40+19+25+26+ 38+35+16+40+62+49+20+25+36+21+ 30+15+23+16+17+7 = 796 minutes = 13.26 hours # 796/26= 30.61Min average
* Enrg: 85.46+ 62.58+73.54+80.28+77.40+70.65+0.45+55.31+37.79+39.73+41.81+ 70.10+65.68+44.54+55.41+93.46+96.31+39.71+55.04+74.01+43.52+ 61.48+46.43+53.55+46.09+47.97+19.07 = 1,537.37kWh
** $575.97 / 1537.37kWh = $0.3746/kWh # $575.97 / 2034.82 Mi = $0.2830/Mile

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