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What does latest energy price hike mean for EV owners? Running costs electric v petrol / diesel cars

What does latest energy price hike mean for EV owners? Running costs electric v petrol / diesel cars

Video by RSymons RSEV via YouTube
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What does latest energy price hike mean for EV owners? Running costs electric v petrol / diesel cars

Todays announcement by Ofgem sees the energy price caps increase for domestic households.

This affects everyone but none more so than electric car drivers.

Previous electric cap was a maximum of 28 pence per kWh but now from 1st October to 31st December 2022 that will be 52 pence per kWh!

This means your electric car will cost significantly more to run, but exactly what are the differences in pence per mile?

And then… how does this now compare to petrol or diesel ICE vehicles?

Which is now cheaper to run?

I’ll look at simply “fuel” cost per mile, but there are still other savings to consider with EVs such as zero annual road tax, reduced maintenance and certainly big savings if you have a car as a company owned vehicle with far lower BIK tax implications.

But at the end of the day electric cars are still nicer to drive and cause far less pollution! We still need to adopt EVs even if they cost more. Be a part of helping do your part to reduce negative climate change!

Thanks for watching!

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