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Tesla FSD First try in Snow / Snowy Weather

Video by KmanAuto via YouTube
Tesla FSD First try in Snow / Snowy Weather

We finally got to try Tesla’s Full Self Drive ( FSD ) Beta in the snow. Unfortunately our experience was not promising. Tesla has decided to go an entirely vision based route to Full Self Driving vehicles. Radar on the older cars with FSD is now disabled, and 100% vision only for driving. In comparison, other manufacturers are keeping radar and adding Lidar. I can definately tell the difference without radar just in NORMAL driving. Normal Autopilot alone, is noticeably worse without the radar. Nice thing at least with radar as well, is it can "see" in poor weather. When you may not be able to see that vehicle far up a head, the radar still can (Inclement weather).
I am getting off track a bit here. Lack of Radar isn’t the main issue this time around. It’s the Vision. Even with clear windshield, and wipers running, in a fairly mild snow fall, the car could not see ahead of it.
This video was originally recorded and edited together without Tesla Cam, and I later went back and added it. I thought it had not been recording, as I tried to view it when we stopped at the supercharger in Pleasant Prairie at the Outlet Mall. I’ve been having some trouble with the SSD I use for Tesla Cam, and it was not viewable and car wanted me to format the drive again. I WAS later able to recover SOME Tesla Cam video, but not all. So the Tesla Cam clips you see are all I could get. Drive is now formatted and working correctly again (for now).
Notice how bad the forward video is. This is with a Clean Windshield, Wipers running, I checked, and the forward camera is NOT fogged up. All side cameras are also clean and clear as is the rear. Obviously, Tesla Cam isn’t going to display as clear as the car itself sees, this is due to limitations of Tesla Cam as it’s original design/intent did not permit it to be used as a Dash Cam or for purposes other than FSD, so Tesla used some software trickery to be able to make it usable for that purpose. But even still, you have to admit, it’s pretty bad. I will be trying more in the future, also thinking of waxing my windshield over the camera to assist in water beading and removal.

#FSDSnow #FullSelfDriveSnow #FSDWinter #FullSelfDriveWinter #fsdbeta

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