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Are Fake Manual Transmissions Coming? Audi Keeps It Real

Video by Engineering Explained via YouTube
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Are Fake Manual Transmissions Coming? Audi Keeps It Real

Toyota has patented a manual transmission electric car that has one gear.
The Audi RS e-Tron GT features a 2-speed transmission for the rear motor.
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Why don’t electric cars have transmissions? It’s a common question; and the truth is, they do have transmissions. Most drivers won’t notice, because most electric cars have single-speed transmissions, meaning they never shift gears. Some electric cars, like the Audi e-Tron GT, as well as the Porsche Taycan, do actually have multiple gears. Both cars feature a 2-speed transmission for the rear drive unit, with a single speed up front.

The game could change completely, however, after uncovering the latest patent applications from Toyota, which seeks to create a pseudo-manual transmission electric car. This video will focus on answering the following questions: 1) Why do Audi and Porsche use a two-speed transmission? 2) Why do most electric cars only use a single gear? 3) How would a fake manual transmission work, and why is Toyota considering it?

Video References:
Motor Authority –
BZ Forums –

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