Video by Go Green Autos via YouTube
I’m just servicing our 2021 Hyundai Kona Electric that’s done 24,000 miles. While cleaning and lubricating the brakes, I thought I’d just make this quick short to show the front brake pads and the spring clips which help to push the pads away from the discs. These help to stop the pads dragging on the discs which reduces wear, noise and friction which in turn improves the efficiency of the car.
In this case, the pads have worn by about 0.5mm over 24,000 miles. On EVs with good regen braking (regenerative braking on the electric motor), brake pads can last up to 150,000 miles or more. It’s usually the backing plate rusting which means they need replacing before the friction material wears down. The same goes for the brake discs. But if clean, they can last the life of the vehicle.
But it’s one of those anti-EV myths that electric vehicles wear the brakes down quicker as they’re heavier. In fact it’s the complete opposite and EVs are contributing far less brake particle matter into the environment than ICE vehicles do.
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