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Debunking the ‘Electric car is a coal car’ argument! #2

Video by PluginIndia Electric Vehicles via YouTube
Debunking the ‘Electric car is a coal car’ argument! #2

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‘Electric cars use electricity which is generated by burning coal. They are worse than petrol cars.’ EV FUD creators miss out on important facts when they make this statement.
For example – The corollary is also true, it takes a lot of electricity to make petrol or diesel. So petrol and diesel cars ultimately run on electricity generated from coal? They shove this important fact under the carpet.
Being exposed to oil refineries and breathing in air from pollution caused by petrol and diesel vehicles in our cities results in leukemia, cancers, brain development issues and respiratory issues.
Air pollution is involved in 6.7 million deaths worldwide and most air pollution in cities is caused by petrol and diesel vehicles.
Ultimately Petroleum mining, refining, and burning petrol in vehicles is far worse for human health than using electricity directly in electric cars.
Our esteemed auto journalists and random YouTubers do not talk about all the health issues caused by driving pollution cars and happily keep promoting them.

Watch the full video with full analysis

Read the article with sources and facts
Watch this animated video – The Dirty Truth of Petrol & Diesel Vehicles

1) Health Issues caused by OIL Refining & Air Pollution in cities.

Now is the Time to Protect Our Children from the Dangers of Oil Refineries

2) The Dirty Truth of Petrol & Diesel Vehicles

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