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Debunking the Lithium “Mining” FUD

Video by PluginIndia Electric Vehicles via YouTube
Debunking the Lithium "Mining" FUD

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When it comes to Lithium Mining, The EV FUD spreaders show you images of gigantic holes dug by large mines and label them as Lithium mines. The reality is these mines are not even used by the battery industry. For example – This photo is from the Diavik diamond mine in Canada and is used in a lot of social media posts.
Unfortunately the FUD is so bad that many people assume Lithium mining is the worst thing in the world and is worse than extracting and refining 10,000 liters of oil used by an average pollution car – Which is not true.
In reality Lithium is extracted from salt-pans, or solar evaporation ponds in South America. Lithium is also mined from hard rocks in Australia where the environmental impact is pretty much the same as any other comparable mining operation.
Also 90% of the mined materials used to make electric vehicle batteries are recyclable. The EV haters won’t tell you this.
All Links are in the description. Do your own research and avoid EV articles and videos by Petrol heads, EV cynics and Whatsapp university. They will never be objective!

1) Sustainable Lithium Mining

Is fair lithium from Chile possible?

2) Battery Recycling in 2022
3) Diamond Mine shown as Lithium Mines!
4) Electricity used in OIL Refineries and Extraction, Transportation
Gas Or EV On Screen Text For Translation

1) Jeffrey Beall, CC BY 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
2) Ximena Medina Sancho/Wikimedia Commons
3) Calistemon, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
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