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Debunking the “Lithium mining is worse than Petrol” argument

Video by PluginIndia Electric Vehicles via YouTube
Debunking the "Lithium mining is worse than Petrol" argument

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Watch the full video, where we go into details of Lithium Battery Manufacturing and showcase research papers and more!

Read the article

According to The World Bank’s Climate-Smart Mining Initiative, The total emissions for lithium extraction and processing in Chile, which then proceeds to South Korea for cell manufacturing and vehicle assembly is 1.5 tons of greenhouse gasses per electric car.
An electric car running on electricity generated from mixed sources over a period of 8 years, will emit 10.88 tons of greenhouse gasses
A pollution car running on petrol over a period of 8 years will emit 40.56 tons of greenhouse gasses.
So as you can see there is absolutely no comparison, a petrol powered car emits insane amounts of greenhouse gasses compared to EV’s and we have not even featured petrol car manufacturing emissions in the discussion.
If you want another study by a car manufacturer, here is Volkswagen’s Technical Development unit’s report studying the carbon footprint of EV’s vs ICE. The result is clear. EV’s are way better.
All links are in the description. The next time you encounter misleading articles or videos about Lithium Mining, you may send these links to educate them better!

1) The World Bank’s Climate-Smart Mining Initiative showing Lithium Battery Production
Data obtained from the “Climate Mineral Explorer, a free, web-based application is developed and operated by the company Derilinx on behalf of the World Bank Group, utilizing publicly available data from the sources identified on this application with funding provided by the World Bank’s Climate-Smart Mining Initiative (CSM).

2) A typical passenger ICE vehicle emits about 5.07 tons of carbon dioxide while driving 18,500 km per year

3) An electric vehicle emits about 3000 pounds or 1.36 tons of GHG each year assuming 50% energy generation from renewable energy
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