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EV Haters Ignore the Atrocities of the OIL Industry

Video by PluginIndia Electric Vehicles via YouTube
EV Haters Ignore the Atrocities of the OIL Industry

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EV FUD creators cry about Lithium battery manufacturing and conveniently don’t talk about the horrible practices by the oil industry.
The two most widely known cases by the oil industry are when they committed genocide in the Niger Delta just to get the people off the land, so that they can extract the petroleum. And when the oil industry built pipelines in Burma, there were forced relocation, forced labor, torture, and murder.
In 2010, the Deepwater Horizon slick in the Gulf of Mexico became the largest ever marine oil spill in US history, with more than 134 million gallons of oil spilling into the ocean.
EV FUD creators ignore the atrocities of the OIL industry and act as if the Petroleum industry is the paragon of virtue.
They continue to happily promote pollution causing ICE cars. The hypocrisy is nauseating.
The solution is simple. Stop giving your money to the horrible OIL industry and go for EVs.

Read Article with all facts, links and sources
Watch our full video where we do into detail on this
Here is why Electric Vehicles ARE the Future – Lithium, Manufacturing Emissions | #2 | हिंदी

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