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FSD Beta 46 Minute Drive Nearly Flawless! 2022.12.3.20 Tesla

Video by KmanAuto via YouTube
FSD Beta 46 Minute Drive Nearly Flawless! 2022.12.3.20 Tesla

Will start off with an apology. This will be a boring video. Boring with FSD is actually a GOOD thing 🙂
This drive was IMPRESSIVE! First intervention was at 38 minutes, and that was MY CHOICE to intervene to move quickly to a faster lane before more traffic came. Overall, I was EXTREMELY Impressed with the performance of FSD on this drive! ENJOY!

0:23: FSD Took right fork in the road at the stop light zero issues.
1:57: Stopped at light behind a BMW I8. Good looking car, wouldn’t mind having one. Could have been so so much more though…
2:27: Lady on her phone blocked & cut past 3 lanes of traffic…
3:40: Another stop light.
7:12: FSD Changed Lanes itself to follow nav route.
9:35: FSD Made a right turn at a intersection to follow NAV.
11:00: Zero Interventions at this point.
12:36: FSD Approached an intersection. It changed into the left turn lane and stopped behind other vehicles. Thus far, extremely impressed with it’s performance!
13:52: Flawless left turn ON GREEN LEFT ARROW!!!
14:24: Went under two over-passes. Handled the transition from Bright Sun to Dark and back with zero issues.
15:16: Stopped at Stop Light, proceeded on Green Light. No problem to report.
16:00: Vinny is giggling.
16:45: Another stop light, and OH LOOK! A MODEL S P100DL!
18:35: I activated turn signal after intersection to move the vehicle to the right lane. FSD had been camping a bit in the left lane, and there were cars behind us. No "Ding" on FSD’s performance, It was MY preference to be in the right lane. FSD Executed the maneuver no problem. I did not take control, just activated turn signal to have FSD change lanes.
19:30: I’ve been watching this video in 2x speed to do the commentary here. 2x speed gives me anxiety with FSD HAHAHA!
20:50: ANOTHER FREEKING STOP LIGHT! ARG! I miss the freeway… No problems to report.
22:00: ZERO Interventions of FSD Beta yet at this point.
22:50: FSD Properly slowed for a lead vehicle that made a right turn into a lot.
23:40: FSD handled some weird crazy road lines.
24:18: I’m loving watching the visualizations!
24:40: Stoplight…. Nothing to report…. Move Along…
30:52: Mild arguing with wifey… 😉
32:00: A bit of stop-n-go. Really missing radar at these points. The old Autopilot Radar would bounce under the lead vehicle allowing the car to "see" two cars ahead, and pre-emtively brake. Since Radar is turned OFF for FSD, stops are a little more jerky and whip-lashey. I also feel FSD follows too closely.
35:17: FSD Properly takes the correct fork in the road at the intersection.
35:38: FSD Changed into the right turn lane to follow route. Properly completes the right turn no issues.
37:20: I use turn signal to have FSD Change Lanes. No intervention, but good choice as the right lane was exceedingly slow with that Semi.
38:11: First Intervention, and it wasn’t for anything wrong. I wanted to quickly change to the right lane before more cars came. FSD would have taken too long to make the change. I did this to stay ahead of the traffic. FSD did NOTHING wrong, and would have stopped and continued on the green. This was entirely my choice to change lanes, that, and I was getting the death glares from wifey for taking the long, slower, city streets instead of freeway to get to the restaurant…… Need to shave some drive time off. The Sacrifices I make for you all!!! (FSD Does not operate on the freeway YET, it switches to Autopilot Software Stack).
41:40: FSD Properly moves to the right turn lane to follow route.
42:16: Makes great right turn. Given the right turn lanes angle, the side cameras had a great view of the cross-traffic.
43:45: Another Stop Light, this time at a over-pass.
45:22: The FIRST INTERVENTION WHERE FSD DID SOMETHING NOT RIGHT! FSD Attempted a LANE CHANGE IN AN INTERSECTION! Not sure if it’s illegal in all jurisdictions in the USA, however, in Wisconsin and Illinois, the two states I drive in the most, it is. I took over to prevent the lane change. It also tried changing into a hashed out //// Lane, meaning, not to be driven in.
45:37: FSD Turned into the parking lot of the restaurant no problem.
45:40: I took over control for two reasons. 1, Navigation Complete. 2, FSD Data Stack does not yet fully support parking lots yet. As such, it kind of spazes out, not sure where to go. It did get fairly far into the lot, especially considering the crazy layout of this parking lot….
46:00: This is when I disengaged and took manual control. You can see my hands in the reflection of the dash. I am not steering until 46:00: I’m just keeping up with the wheel in case I need to take over.
#fsd #Tesla #FSDBeta #2022.12.3.2

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