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Is an older Tesla still good? Model s70d vs s85 free supercharging range and efficiency test review

Is an older Tesla still good? Model  s70d vs s85 free supercharging range and efficiency test review

Video by RSymons RSEV via YouTube
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Is an older Tesla still good? Model  s70d vs s85 free supercharging range and efficiency test review

#tesla #models #ev

Free Tesla Supercharging is a fantastic way to save money of course. Who wouldn’t want free fuel?
Some Teslas have this perk but it does require an older Model to qualify. So, do these older cars still drive well with good range or have they suffered battery degradation that would render them almost useless?

Here I take you along on a day where I collect a Model S 70D and use our very S85. Our car is quite high mileage with over 100,000 miles but we certainly still use it every day. Of course normally we charge at home or in the office but when we are on a road trip we certainly make use of the free electric to keep runnings costs low.

I also explain which cars do and do not have free charging. You have to be very careful when buying as I always see a lot of falsely advertised cars for sale.

So have a watch and I hope enjoy.

Thanks for watching!

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