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Is this the biggest electric car fail?

Video by Electric Classic Cars via YouTube
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There are few things more 80s than a Sinclair C5. Back before we had Elon Musk we had a guy called Clive Sinclair in the UK, who made his name and money in computers and electronics before he decided to revolutionise the car world and build an electric car, along with the help of Lotus. Sound familiar??? #tesla

Unfortunately, the end result fell way short of expectations and was nothing more than an electric assisted tricycle. With questions around safety and practical hurdles like weather proofing in our lovely UK climate the Sinclair C5 was unfortunately destined to fail.

January 2025 marks the 40th anniversary of the launch of the Sinclair C5 and in this episode we ask whether it was 40 years too early. Would it be more of a success now with modern technology, cycle lanes in cities and the massive uptake of e-scooters and e-bikes in those cities.

Oh…… and what should we do with our little C5?? Tesla power anyone???

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