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Kia EV6 Touch button problem

Video by EV-olution via YouTube
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I made and 3D printed a solution for the Kia EV6 capacitive buttons at the end of the center console. Kia thought it was a good idea to make the buttons at the end of the console of certain trim levels of the EV6, touch buttons. This means that they can be activated when you accidentally brush them when accessing the climate or media buttons that are right in front of the console. My cover design is simple, quick to print, can be printed at home or via a 3D print service, and costs next to nothing. I strongly suggest printing it in PETG at a minimum, ABS or ASA are better, but not in PLA. PLA will melt in the summer heat in a car. FYI, I used PETG because that is what I had.

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Where to download the 3D Print file I made:
If you like my make, I would really appreciate if you could boost it on MakerWorld. Thanks in advance.


My awesome YouTube associate, the amazing video producer David Laramée! For each new video he ups the game to a whole new level.

00:00 Intro
00:40 What’s the issue?
01:00 The solution
02:27 Where to get it
03:00 Added benefit
03:42 What holds it on?
04:31 How to install it
05:06 If you don’t have a printer
05:20 Santa! WTF?
06:26 Please share this

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