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New Tesla “Vision” parking assist update – not brilliant! Parking sensors at last? Not really…

New Tesla

Video by RSymons RSEV via YouTube
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New Tesla

#tesla #vison #parkassist

Tesla Model 3 and Y in the UK since Dec 2022 have not been fitted with parking sensors at all. Aside from the cameras there has been nothing to help with parking like the now standard parking sensors any premium car would have. So even a brand new dec 2022 Model Y Performance costing £70k had NO parking sensors!
But at last the long-awaiting Tesla Vision software update has landed so owners should now get a visual and audio guide to how close they are getting to other vehicles around them.

Over the air software updates are an amazing thing that Tesla has been doing for years. We will no doubt see many updates in due course.
But how is it now?
Can you rely on it?
Does it really work using the cameras alone?

Well in this video we put it to the test in a number of different scenarios. Usual perpendicular and parallel parking, maneuvering around object like people, bins, fence posts, charging posts, tree stumps…

Don’t trust it is probably the best advice. use your cameras and mirrors! It’s not brilliant!

I just don’t know why they stopped fitting sensors before this was working, proven, tried and tested reliable software. There have already been many a damaged Tesla without parking sensors and I don’t think this will help much. It’s not really acceptable, is it?

Let me know your thoughts.
I look forward to testing once more updates have landed and hopefully it will work well, at some point…
Thanks for watching!

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