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NEW Vertical Takeoff and Landing Aircraft Redefining Modern Air Travel VTOL News 2023

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NEW Vertical Takeoff and Landing Aircraft Redefining Modern Air Travel VTOL News 2023

In the past, the industry of vertical lift aircraft could be described as simply static. We used to have a very restrictive business environment with only a couple major players who would take decades to develop a new machine. 2020s, however are expected to become the decade of progress in the electric propulsion, and this has already spawned countless new VTOL startups. They promise to revolutionize aviation and become the fresh face of short range and even regional aerial transportation.

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00:00 Introduction

00:49 VoloConnect
Currently valued at nearly 2 billion dollars, Germany’s Volocopter is scheduled to launch the world’s first commercial air taxi by the year 2024. In May 2022 the Voloconnect has successfully performed its maiden flight and this allows to target entry into service by the year 2026.

02:07 Jetson

Jetson Aero is a Swedish VTOL startup that is close to launching its first personal mobility aircraft in 2023. The model is an all-electric single-seater, brought in motion by 8 motors.

03:26 Archer Aviation Maker

In July 2022, Archer Aviation Maker finished its second testing phase so it is expected to move to the transition flight tests in the nearest future.

04:48 Lillium Jet

Consistency is the major advantage of the German startup Lillium, who have been steadily showing progress in the development of world’s first electric vertical take-off and landing jet. Their latest achievement is a transition from hover to wing-borne flight.

05:58 Air One

Air EV was founded in 2018 in Pardes Hanna as a developer of passenger drones that can provide exhilaration of operating a sports vehicle in the third dimension. The One is their first concept with a fixed wing design and two passenger capacity.

07:08 AutoFlight Prosperity

AutoFlight Prosperity is a short-range, fully autonomous air taxi that has VTOL capabilities and can transport 4 people.

08:31 Odys Aviation

Odys Aviation are planning to build a regional aircraft, which is a 9 passenger VTOL jet with a hybrid-electric propulsion and a unique high-lift flap system to vector thrust.

09:29 LEO Flight

Leo Coupe by LEO Flight is a 3-seater flying supercar with unique folded box-wing architecture and an array of 4.4-inch-wide jets ensuring vertical flight. Several larger fans are responsible for horizontal movement.

10:48 Embraer EVE

Embraer EVE is a 2026 VTOL aircraft that will be able to fly autonomously or be piloted by 1 pilot, while carrying 4 passengers and their luggage.

12:00 Ryse Recon

In addition to being a personal mobility vehicle, Ryse Recon offers variety of commercial applications, from the usual delivery to agriculture, ranching, and land surveying.

13:23 Zuri 2.0

Zuri 2.0 is a new gen hybrid propulsion VTOL that will manufactured in passenger and cargo versions.

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