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“No one is working at Tesla Roadside today” // Tesla Roadside Assistance SUCKS!

Video by The Electric Torque Channel via YouTube
"No one is working at Tesla Roadside today" // Tesla Roadside Assistance SUCKS!

Here’s my complaint… if it wasn’t for the 5 Tesla Support Tickets that I opened and the 3x that I called over the phone, I wouldn’t have even gotten a "replacement wheel"! Anyone else would have had to leave their $100K car on the side of the road, hoping to get the assistance, the next morning.

Apparently, according to the tech, it’s common for the back tires to blow out on the Model X because it’s super heavy, super torque-y and goes 0-60 in 3.8 seconds. So after paying for the first tow truck that Tesla Roadside Assistance did not cover (!), and paying for 2 back tires ($375 each) and getting the work done, it came out to $1,315!

If this was with my family, at night, on a roadtrip, I would be even more pissed…. Tesla has not fully figured out Roadside and that’s why in my opinion, Tesla Roadside sucks!

#tesla #teslaroadside #teslareview #roadside #roadsiderescue

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