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RSEV goes OFF-GRID with Office & Warehouse Solar Installation! Well, some of the time…

Video by RSymons RSEV via YouTube
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RSEV goes OFF-GRID with Office & Warehouse Solar Installation!  Well, some of the time...

How much can we go off-grid?

The development of our warehouse, showroom and offices has been a labour of love since purchasing it in 2019 and AT LAST we have had our solar installation so we can generate electricity, store energy and charge our electric cars off grid ! 🙂

It’s a big investment but with ever increasing energy prices it couldn’t come soon enough! It should reduce our dependence on the grid, in fact help feed the grid sometimes, but also crucially completes the loop that forms sustainable transport ie producing our own electricity from the sun, storing it and using it to power our cars!

In the end we installed 62x 420w commercial solar panels combined with 2x Tesla Power wall batteries at 13.4kWh EACH (27kWh combined useable) and with a Solar Edge Inverter and Tesla Gateway 2.

It’s been a project that originated 3 years ago and a big thanks to Naked Solar based in Cornwall (we met at Fully Charged Live in Silverstone) for their work on this.

COST? well its hard for me to comment because prices will and have fluctuated but let’s say circa ÂŁ50,000 for an installation like this.
However with electricty at ÂŁ0.90/kWh on commercial tariffs the payback period should be relatively quick, under 6 years. Maybe 2-3 years. Maybe even less…. we’ll wait to find out and let you know. In the meantime it adds to the value of the building of course. For most people this should enable them to run a warehouse and offices off-grid!

We may not be able to do that entirely as we have lots of electric ccars to charge, but it should help for sure! How many miles a year could we drive off-grid? Quite a few a bet… and more videos will follow on this to show energy production, cost savings, production and such like over due course. This is more showing you what we’ve done, a bit about how it works, and an excited me looking forward to learning how to get the best from it.

Thanks for watching!

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