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Tesla Hit & Run Freeway by a VW Passat YouTube Short

Video by KmanAuto via YouTube
Tesla Hit & Run Freeway by a VW Passat YouTube Short

Our 2016 Tesla Model S was Hit & Run on the Illinois Tollway system by a ~2005 Volkswagen Passat, Grey Color. This happened at the end of 2020, finally sharing now. Unfortunately for us, the snow blocked our dashcam enough where we could not recover the license plate number. Illinois tollway will not release his license plate number, without a subpoena. We have the EXACT Time Stamp he went through the tollway. 1 of 3 cars, including ours, within a 15 second span, The Year, Make and Model of his vehicle (THANK YOU PEOPLE OF DSLREPORTS FOR THIS!).

Problem is, to get a Subpoena, you need a lawyer. I’m from Wisconsin, and would need a Illinois Licensed Lawyer. After contacting over 40 layers most referred by the Illinois Bar Association(Nope, not joking!) in Illinois, all but 2 would not take the case at all. The Last two wanted $10k to get the subpoena. They are all just looking for the quick payout.

So unfortunately, this jackoff got away with just whatever damage to his car, and I had to take the insurance hit for a $20k + our deductible. On the bright side, I at least got gen 3 door handles out of it…. Major shoutout to for doing an absolutely AMAZING job repairing our Model S! 50,000 Miles have been added to it since the accident.

I’d also like to give a SHOUTOUT TO #Tesla for making such an amazing car. The hit was HARD, the well designed vehicle took the impact like a champ. Vehicle Weight + Skill kept us from spinning out completely (Cops couldn’t believe I did not lose control. PRACTICE People! Practice in an empty parking lot after a snow storm controlling your vehicle in a slide!).

Speed was approximately 60mph. Autopilot was NOT on. This is in a 2016 Dual Motor Model S with Goodyear Eagle RS-A2 All-Season Tires.

#TeslaAccident #teslacrash

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