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The Ant Anstead interview PART 2 – the private life and project cars of a Wheeler Dealer

Video by The Late Brake Show via YouTube
The Ant Anstead interview PART 2 - the private life and project cars of a Wheeler Dealer

The Ant Anstead interview PART 2 – the private life and project cars of a Wheeler Dealer. Welcome to an Idol Chat interview, where Jonny Smith takes his battered brown leather chairs to meet someone prominent in our automotive world.

Thanks for stopping by The Late Brake Show.

If you search for him on the internet, these days Ant Anstead’s name is more synonymous with high profile divorce or dating a Hollywood actress than departing Wheeler Dealers. But having known Ant for a good few years Jonny wanted to ensure this Idol Chat interview covered the many bases of his life, his car career and how he rises above the pressures and stresses of being in the public eye. Did you know his partner Renee Zellweger knows how to weld (and enjoys it)? Neither did we.

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Filmed and edited by: Phil Vaughan Pritchard
Thumbnail by: Matt Tarrant

Jonny Smith
Creative content maker, car presenter & car pervert for hire since ’98

0:00 Intro
0:20 Master Mechanic Tipo 184
1:07 Last Haynes manual
4:23 High profile marriage/divorce
5:34 Radford coachbuilding
6:14 Meeting Renee Zellweger
9:29 Not a car collector
10:27 Top Gear audition crash
13:05 Imagine if he’d got Top Gear gig
13:30 Smith & Sniff podcast
13:55 Police car story
14:55 EV converted classic cars
16:05 Series 1 Land Rover EV?
16:29 Favourite Renee Zellweger film
17:23 Ant loves Musicals!
18:12 American car fan?
19:10 What classic to buy now?
20:35 Guilty pleasure car
21:42 Meeting bad people
24:50 Still Edd China…
25:20 The Wheeler Dealer influence
26:10 Outro

#antanstead #wheelerdealers #thelatebrakeshow #4k

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