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The famous Dirty Martini Porsche Taycan is no more 😢

The famous Dirty Martini Porsche Taycan is no more 😢

Video by RSymons RSEV via YouTube
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The famous Dirty Martini Porsche Taycan is no more 😢

It’s an end of an era! The #dirtymartini Porsche Taycan is unwrapped and stripped back to its naked self.
Is it now #nakedtaycan ?

But as I was gearing up to sell the car, it needed putting back to standard an unwrapping. It’s been a great marketing tool, awesome for taking to events, a bit of fun and silliness too.
But it’s time to sell it on (after a glorious and lucky 18 months of ownership) so we need to unwrap it (some of the wrap is a bit damaged anyway) and check the paint underneath is all good. Will it be? What will it look like?

Let me know in the comments if you preferred the dirty or the cleaned?

In fact as I write this it looks like the car is sold and will soon be leaving our shores for a future in warmer climates.

It’s been an awesome car and I will truly miss it. It’s been a privilege and a real guilty pleasure.

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