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The newest ChangLi the 2023 TANK!!

Video by Electric Import Motors via YouTube
The newest ChangLi the 2023 TANK!!

It’s finally here the 2023 ChangLi the TANK! In this video we are going to just do a quick run through of all of the changes from the previous model. We have to say this is the best looking model yet, and finally the car had AC like the truck.

This thing is ridiculous, If a Bronco and a Kia had a baby, and then that car and a gold cart had a baby the Tank would be it. This car has all the bells an whistles that a traditional golf cart. We love it but let us know your thoughts in the comments!

We want you to enjoy your Tank or Pak Yak hassle free, no need to worry about, shipping, taxes, duties, customs, selecting the right box on importation forms, broker fees and the list goes on. Fun should be Fun.

Use code 500Winter for $500 off of your order between now and Christmas 2022!

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