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Vehicle to Home (V2H) with Mitsubishi, CHAdeMO, and Solar Inverter

Video by BenjaminNelson via YouTube
Vehicle to Home (V2H) with Mitsubishi, CHAdeMO, and Solar Inverter

I power my garage from my electric car.
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I’m running power OUT through the DC fast charge port (CHAdeMO) of my Mitsubishi iMiEV to a Solar City H6 hybrid solar inverter. The inverter can work in an "Off-Grid" mode to take that 360VDC and convert it to split-phase 120/240V power.

I can then use that power to run my lights, power my tools, and even charge an electric car. The inverter can also "trick" my micro-inverters into thinking that they are connected to the grid and power on. As long as I’m consuming more power than the micro-inverters are making, it simply reduces how much power needs to be drawn from the electric car. (If the solar micro-inverters create "too much" power, they simply error out and turn off for five minutes, then try to power up again.)

I also changed the switch in the car that allows the CHAdeMO contactors to close from a switch on the dash that requires to the to be on, to a simpler switch setup where the car can be off.

The car DOES properly track energy use while it’s off. When I turned the car on after drawing a few kWhs, the "fuel gauge" appeared to properly reflect the amount of energy used.

I also tried to see if I could CHARGE the car while drawing power out the CHAdeMO port. Unfortunately, I can NOT charge through the J1772 at the same time that I’m using the V2H system. It doesn’t cause any problems like kicking off the inverter, the charging process simply does NOT begin.

I still have some more work to do building a small control panel with analog switches that activate the CHAdeMO, as well as mounting the pre-charge resistor and contactor for the solar input.

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