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What machine SCARES ME the most?

Video by JerryRigEverything via YouTube
What machine SCARES ME the most?

There is one machine in my shop that scares me the most… a Tormach 15L Slant Pro Lathe! If you want to win the custom Brass and Aluminum Chess set we made in this video put your information HERE:

Current Pricing on the 15L Slant Pro Lathe is HERE: We use the 15L to make parts for our manual wheelchairs.
Tormach also has a smaller 8L Lathe here:
And the ultra small xsTech desktop router:

If you’re looking for a new rigid manual wheelchair and want to be a beta tester:

If you want to help support our wheelchair project:

FREE design files for the Chess set you see in this video: (feel free to 3D print them if you’d like Make sure to tag me if you do! I want to see.)

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