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0-300 km/h / 186 MPH Tesla Model S Plaid

0-300 km/h / 186 MPH Tesla Model S Plaid

Video by Electric Cars TV via YouTube
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0-300 km/h / 186 MPH Tesla Model S Plaid

Platný pokus o prekonanie rýchlosti 300 km/h Tesla Model S Plaid. Osobne som na tento moment čakal veľmi dlho a z výsledkom som maximálne spokojný. Dosiahnutý čas 16,5s na to aby tento pohodlný Hypersedan dosiahol účty hodné číslo 300 km/h je fantastický.

Valid attempt to overcome the speed of 300 km/h Tesla Model S Plaid. Personally, I have been waiting for this moment for a very long time and I am extremely satisfied with the results. The achieved time of 16.5 seconds for this comfortable Hypersedan to reach a billable number of 300 km/h is fantastic.

#tesla #plaid #186

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