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Electric Vehicle Counting Report No.13 – Tally – Waikanae, Kāpiti Coast, exploring river by bicycle

Video by Kapiti Electric Vehicle Society via YouTube
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Electric Vehicle Counting Report No.13 - Tally - Waikanae, Kāpiti Coast, exploring river by bicycle

Something a bit different: Electric Vehicle Counting Report No.13 – Tally

This video points out all the bicycles from the full length EVCR No. 13 video – if you missed it watch it first:

Recorded: 6 Marchy 2022

Waikanae, Kāpiti Coast to Waikanae, Kāpiti Coast

South side of Waikanae River, Otaihanga Domain, Waimanu Lagoons, north side of Waikanae River


Due to covid-19, we are not travelling into the office as much as usual. So, we left the Nissan Leaf at home and decided to film our bicycle journey along Waikanae River, just for fun.

Count bicycles, electric and non-electric ones.

Please comment how many bicycles you see in this video. We’ll upload a
highlights video showing how many bicycles we saw in a day or so. Link to appear here: [link goes here]
Good luck and thanks for playing along.

Forgive us for the framing, the GoPro appears to have slipped and was pointing downwards too much 🙁

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0:00 Old Highway 1
5:43 Total tally…

#bicycle #bikes #ebike #ebikes #kapiticoast #river

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