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Electric Vehicle Counting Report No.15 – Waikanae, Kāpiti Coast to Seaview, Lower Hutt

Video by Kapiti Electric Vehicle Society via YouTube
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Electric Vehicle Counting Report No.15 - Waikanae, Kāpiti Coast to Seaview, Lower Hutt

Electric Vehicle Counting Report No.15 – Waikanae, Kāpiti Coast to Seaview, Lower Hutt
Recorded: 7 July 2022

Waikanae, Kāpiti Coast to Seaview, Lower Hutt, Wellington

SH1 Transmission Gully, SH58, SH2


Electric vehicles (EVs) are gaining in popularity. Everyday we see more
and more EVs on our roads. This series of counting videos simply aims
to create a record of the growing number of EVs in Aotearoa NZ.

Ultimately, we are looking forward to the today when EVs are
the norm and fossil fuel vehicles are only ever seen in museums.
Bring on the rEVolution!

During our journey we tried to spot every EV on the road. We only counted battery electric vehicles, such as; Nissan Leaf, Tesla, Kia Niro EV, Hyundai IONIQ etc. We do not count hybrid or plugin hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) as these use fossil fuels (petrol and diesel). Also, we do not count:
• parked EVs like those in a car sales
• EVs on transporter delivery vehicles or tow trucks
• reflections or photographs like those in billboard adverts
• same vehicle more than once.

Please comment how many EVs you see in this video. We’ll upload a
highlights video showing how many EVs we saw in a day or so. Link here: [add link when available]
Good luck and thanks for playing along.

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0:00 Electric Vehicle Counting Report intro
05:29 Paraparaumu
10:56 Joining State Highway 1 southbound
14:16 Transmission Gully
24:58 SH58 exit
30:23 SH58 Haywards Hill roadworks
35:26 Joining State Highway 2 southbound
39:58 Kennedy Good Bridge
42:40 Naenae Road
53:32 How many EVs did you see?

#dashcam #NissanLeaf #ElectricVehicles #NewZealand #Aotearoa

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