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How much faster is Transmission Gully vs the coast road from the Kāpiti Coast to Wellington? #shorts

Video by Kapiti Electric Vehicle Society via YouTube
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How much faster is Transmission Gully vs the coast road from the Kāpiti Coast to Wellington? #shorts

According to Google Maps, a car journey from the Kāpiti Coast to Wellington, via the newly opened Transmission Gully motorway, is a mere 4 minutes quicker.

Via SH1 Transmission Gully motorway: 43 minutes (53.7 kilometres)
Via SH59 coast road: 47 minutes (53 kilometres)
Difference of minus 4 minutes

With Transmission Gully costing over $1.25 billion, that equates to about $312 million per saved minute. Ouch!

Also, it’s worth mentioning the Transmission Gully route has some long and fairly steep inclines. These features, combined with the faster speed limit, significantly increase carbon emissions from fossil-fuel powered vehicles.

An electrified double railway track would probably have been substantially cheaper, and not cause so much unnecessary carbon emissions.

So is Transmission Gully really worth it?

Thank you to Google Maps ( for this content.

#transmissiongully #wellington #kapiticoast #googlemaps #shorts

Banjo Short by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.


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