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Motor-Controlled Rotation for Epoxy Finishing – Wood Mug/Beer Stein/Tankard

Video by BenjaminNelson via YouTube
Motor-Controlled Rotation for Epoxy Finishing - Wood Mug/Beer Stein/Tankard

I mounted a wood beer mug to a motor to spin it so that the epoxy wouldn’t run while it cures
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A couple of weekends ago, I went to a small Renaissance Faire event. One of the vendors was selling very nice wood mugs! They were well crafted, but expensive. It made me wonder if I could make my own.

I put together a "fail-fast" project out of scrap pine using my table-saw. After not being happy with my original finish (and getting a crack in it) I thought I would try a two-part epoxy finish. While I was at the big box store for other reasons, I saw some epoxy on clearance, so I bought it. The epoxy was pre-tinted and called "Weathered Wood".

I followed the epoxy directions and brushed it on the mug with a chip brush. Unfortunately, the epoxy ran, and made an uneven coat. Worse than that, since the epoxy had a tint in it, it’s almost clear where thin, and very dark where it’s thick – so uneven color as well. Frankly, I don’t like how the color turned on on pine – it just looks dirty. Tests on other types of wood look much better.
Here’s the CLEAR version of the same product:

After curing, I lightly sanded the mug and needed to figure out how to do a better job on a second coat.

My thought was to simply rotate the mug the entire time it was curing. I have an electric wheelchair motor, which I have used on several projects before. It’s powerful, but also has excellent speed control with a small generic motor controller.

I power the whole thing off a Ryobi 18V cordless drill battery and "PowerWheels Adapter".

This is the same motor which I used recently to help me with a solar installation:

I simply cut a piece of 1/2" plywood to a small square and drilled holes in it for the wheel bolts on the motor. I screwed a short piece of scrap pine to that and then in turn superglued the bottom of the mug to that sacrificial piece.

The mug stayed on nice and solid to the motor. I stuck a shim under the motor to get it so the mug was level.

I slowly spun the mug, then applied the epoxy to it with a chip brush. Then I left it to rotate and cure over-night.

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