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Solar Trailer prototyping slide and tilt panels demonstration

Video by BenjaminNelson via YouTube

I’m prototyping a "slide and tilt" system for a new solar trailer. This is all using salvaged parts. Please click SHOW MORE!

The solar panels are 250 watts. Trailer is an old junk pop-up camper. Metal framing is from a scrap dealer. This will connect to a used Generac hybrid inverter and connect to my grid-tie setup and a 10kwh lithium battery.

The solar panels are held in place by some inexpensive mid-clamps between the panels:
And 1/4-20 bolts through the frame into a T-nut in the aluminum extrusion on the ends:

The scrap 2×4 knee-wall gets the entire structure above the trailer wheels. I think that for the final version of this project, I will weld up a 12" tall metal railing all the way around the trailer. The solar panels will be supported on that AND it will leave enough room under the panels for an inverter, batteries, and plastic totes, in case I want to carry some cargo while transporting the trailer.

This is a mock-up of ONE-HALF of the trailer. Total would be 8 panels / 2,000 watts.

Why a trailer?
It’s movable and no building permit needed!

My original solar trailer went up to a friend’s off-grid hunting property. He no longer has to run a generator overnight just to have power.

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"Shaving Mirror" Kevin MacLeod (
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